Do you ever look back at your week? Do you take stock of what you accomplished? Do you grade yourself? Often, I greet Friday with a mixture of relief and excitement. Finally, there’s a week of hustle behind me, and a day at the greenmarket ahead of me. It’s a cycle that’s dependable, even if there are healthier approaches.

My mind has been racing recently. There are pros and cons to launching a website. Especially, a lot of mixed emotions when you’re trying to attract people to your business. First, I love helping people. That’s a major advantage to writing about my experiences in marketing and growing businesses. Contrarily, nobody is attracted to your work unless you hook them. It’s getting considerably harder with each day passing.

Luckily, I’m obsessed. I’m not sure what I would do with myself if I wasn’t doing this. Now, there is a danger and fine line between obsession and stubbornness. I’m definitely going to be mindful as I build.

This Friday’s reflection is a common and consistent one. Get out of your own way Justin. It doesn’t need to be perfect. It doesn’t even need to be complete. Gather your ideas. Decide where you want to start. Test them. Don’t overcomplicate it.